Wednesday 19 March 2008

Working with young people is an experience in emotional extremes. Our girls' group last night went bad halfway through, after about eight weeks of quality and class. We were painting canvases for a second week in a row and to keep things interesting, we decided to also have hard boiled eggs to paint since this Sunday is Easter. And after awhile they started flying. I think only one was smashed in the room, but of course, D and I get overly excited to get the girls out of the building, and I follow them a bit down the street- but not far enough. A few minutes later they came back and left rude messages on the glass of our front boiled egg yolk. In case you've never cleaned squashed hard boiled egg off of two big windows, let me assure that it's gross. So we're angry and frustrated and the other three girls who are left offered to clean up. And they wash the window and they brush the step and then they bring out soapy water and WASH the step. They were amazing.

The minor egg disaster was not enough to dissuade us from our own little egg dying party after work. Our QC friends came down with another friend or two and, thanks to the egg kit from mom and dad, dyed lots and lots of fantastic eggs. I can't wait for deviled eggs...

Currently reading: The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera. Translated from the Czech by Michael Henry Heim.


Cate said...

You are a brave soul.

Tell me how Unbearable Lightness's one of those I've been meaning to read for a long time but probably will take forever to actually GET to.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Your blog is back!

Heather said...

how is it APRIL 9TH and i didn't know that you started blogging again??? my world is complete.
and thank you for assuring me that you aren't a failure. i feel much better about our relationship now.