Thursday, 5 June 2008

Girls Group

The last six months have been an exciting time. Since January, I’ve co-led two girls’ groups with another international volunteer, and I’ve been surprised at how rewarding they were. A year ago I would have told you I preferred to work with boys; I’ve never been much for the catty way that girls get on. But these groups have shown me how important it is to girls a space where they run the show. We’ve had our share of challenges in each group. In the first group it was in the form of hardboiled egg smeared all over the front windows of our building, and more recently, an old-fashioned hair pulling, earring ripping fistfight, but the rewards far outweigh those nights. I’m getting a bit reflective as I wrap up my first year and lots my favorite memories are with the girls. They taught me how to make chicken curry (although, I taught them how to make the rice…it needs to be cooked before its fried) and we sat at a table shuffled up sitting next to Catholic girls, Protestant girls, a German and an American. We talked our way into a free ride on the big wheel in town. We made s’mores over a disposable grill. We walked and chatted down the street for Chinese. The girls were sad that it didn’t work out for them to meet my parents when they visited and they’re annoyed at the way international volunteers come, become friends and then have to go. It’s been so great to have a place where girls can come and know that they are wanted, their opinions are asked, and listened to. And while I still often wish for earplugs when they get into their amplified giggling and squealing fits, I’m looking forward to the next group.

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