Sunday, 16 December 2007

the wheel

tonight i went on the big huge wheel in the middle of city center. it was fantastic. m, m and h came with, and it was an amazing view. the christmas lights were beautiful, you could see out to stormont in east belfast, and right down on top of the market. so fun. i think i may go again after the holidays for a daytime view.

also had our afterschools christmas trips yesterday and today. we took the older ones ice skating last night, which was good fun. it does a lot for the ego when a kid calls your name and asks to skate holding your hand. today we went to a garden center a big outside of belfast, and they had a christmas trail that led to santa, and then to reindeer, ducks, goats, sheep and llamas. the kids each got an apple and a book. it was a good trail, but it was a bit hectic keeping everyone together...

so that's us done with afterschools for december. we'll have some cleanup this week and several big youth events. all of these parties and outings are good for the christmas spirit.

1 comment:

Amy said...

There's a really good article in the most recent _Bitch_ magazine about Christian rock that I think you'd enjoy. (Don't let the magazine title be off-putting. It's just good old fashioned feminism. Interestingly enough, it also includes a lot of cutesy DIY projects, which you would probably enjoy as well.)