Friday 21 September 2007

oh boy, so much to write and I can't think of it all...

oh, yes!! FS's 10th Anniversary Celebration was last weekend. We kicked off the weeked with a Funday, for which the police blocked of one lane of the mainroad and opened the gates in the wall (which are never open, except for the pedestrian door). It was a great day, warm, somewhat sunny, and everything ran so smoothly. We had two bouncy castles, a mechanical bull, sumo wrestling, jousting, face painting, a dj and a bbq. Kids from both sides of the wall mixed and mingled and walked confidently through the open gates.

Sunday was the 60km cycle, which I had absolutely no part in. But I did work!! Those of us not cycling set up the building for Monday's ceremony, which was a huge success. There were, probably, over 100 people who came out. Lots of speakers (former board members, the director, several community folks), but the best two bits were the video that a team from Orlando put together as a documentary-ish video of FS (several yp gave interviews for it) and the dance that a group of girls performed.

As an added bonus, the BVS European coordinator came in town for the celebration, and took all of the current BVSers out for Indian food. The next night, we met with all of the ex-BVSers who are still in Northern Ireland. Of the nine of us there, two are current BVSers, one just moved in with her boyfriend, two are married to each other, one is engaged and two others are married. Northern Ireland must do something to people....

In other FS news, three of our full time staff members are leaving the last week in October. I think that leaves about five staff members, part time and full, so it should be a bit exciting around the organization for awhile. It's good that no one is leaving with any angry or disillusioned feelings, it just so happens that it's all at the same time, I suppose. And on the same sad leaving note, one of the other BVSers here in Belfast just got denied her visa renewal...which makes me want to cry...and then selfishly, makes me wonder what I need to be realistically considering for next year (all suggestions welcome).

Programs are pretty much up and running now. Afterschools is in full swing, and, ok, I'll admit that they are growing on me. I love them one on one, it's just a bit nuts when there's 17 in the room at once. It makes it so much better than it could be, though, thanks to the number of volunteers. It actually makes it pretty low key, and allows for a lot of individual or small group attention.

Youth club started last week with a trip to an outdoor activity center. We took a second group tonight and both were fabulous. We did team building games, a traverse wall, a few caving activities. The yp were completely engaged and the staff there was great with them. This week we had an open club night, that also came off pretty well. At least there was no rioting, like the last time FS tried an open club awhile back.

Life outside of work is a bit less exciting...America's Next Top Model starts here next Monday. If I'm not totally psyched to watch skinny girls make drama out of nothing, at least it's a set social evening. I'm treating myself to a play at the Waterfront tomorrow night, and possibly going by myself...liberating? pathetic? (maybe it won't come to that). And I responded to an online ad regarding a local book club. Is that sketchy? I have no idea who these people are or how old they are or even what the book is about that they're reading, but I'm getting nearer to's that for a positive ending note?


Eleanor said...

Hello... reading more about your comings and goings and it sounds fun. I hope it is. AND... Change of staff will make things interesting or BUSY! I will be praying for you! Went to see "Walk with the Dinosaurs" today in DC. It is a BBC production, accents and all! You are in our prayers! Love you!

Anonymous said...

I wanted to let you know that I read your post. I'm glad the kiddos are growing on you, but I'm sorry to hear about your friend's visa. Let me know if you hear back about the book club. I am needing some more reading suggestions!