Tuesday 4 September 2007

With no extravagent or nature-y trips this week, I had to wait to gather some exciting adventures for your reading pleasure. So to back track...spent the end of last week cleaning. We cleaned chairs, we mopped the big hall floor, cleaned out two closets, mopped another room, put together new sofas (well, mostly, except for the few screws that didn't really fit...), you get the idea.

Saturday night I went out with two other volunteers and a guy we met at youth work training and his girlfriend. We went to the opening of a GAA (Gaelic Athletic Association) Club. It was right in the middle of the Falls, a very Catholic neighborhood, which is a change for us. When we've gone out before, it's been in city center, which is fairly neutral ground. There was music, a gorgeous view, a new scene...

Sunday was low key, and fabulous. Church, to the botanic gardens to hear B and S playing with their band, out for coffee at Clements. I love that part of town, it has a completely different feel from North and West Belfast.

This week we've been organizing old papers in the youth office, addressing envelopes for the big 10th anniversary celebration next week, helping to plan out youth sessions. It's been the most consistent work yet. And we had a staff meeting today, which was pretty much amazing. I finally feel like I have some sort of handle on my schedule and what's going on over the next four months. Four months, then Christmas- that's crazy.

This evening F and I went for a walk on the towpath by the Lagan. It's so beautiful, following the river all the way into the next town.

It finally feels like the calm before the storm, and I am so ready for it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh - I'm so behind on reading your blog. I'm going to set aside some time tomorrow and catch up! =) =)