Saturday 19 July 2008

I love days when I unexpected fall a little more in love with Belfast. I got a late start this am (later than I wanted, but still did two loads of laundry before leaving the house) and bused into town. It was lovely and sunny and I got off at a different stop than usual because I had to drop by the library. As I meandered my way to the post office I walked down an unfamiliar street and found THE MOST EXCELLENT used book shop. It's huge. It's overflowing with books. Every turn led to more books, on shelves, in boxes, high above my head, heaven. I feel a little sad about demoting the new OxFam bookshop from the top of the favorites list, but seriously, it can't be helped. And then, still on the way to the post office, on the same street, I past ANOTHER used bookshop, and another OxFam used book shop, with videos for 50p(!! a whole lot less than renting a dvd) and records (which I really want to buy to play on the freshly dusted record player here at the house, but which cost more than I was hoping). How did I miss this street for so long?

Enroute to the market I strolled through Victoria Square and passed this dude who looked familiar. I realized once we passed that we had shared a taxi home from a volunteer thing once, and as I turned to look again to affirm this, he turned and looked back at me. The timing was so perfect, straight out of a screenplay, only it wasn't love at first sight (or second sight) and we both kept walking...still, it was one of those funny moments that doesn't happen often.

I was so distracted with other errands that I got to St. G's market a whole lot later than planned. Which was super, because the first person I passed inside the front doors was a BVS alum who I've had several lovely coffee dates and drinks with. She's just a superb person and it was good to stop and chat with a friend. The other bonus to going to the market late are the mark downs. Since people are starting to pack up for the day, they lower their prices. And I'm all about that.

PS. Listen to Mates of State. Their latest album "Re-Arrange Us" is obsession-worthy, although it may take a listen or two to get there.

1 comment:

Heather said...

cheers to falling in love with where you live!