Wednesday 16 July 2008

Mozart in the Rain

After two gorgeous days, tonight was the outdoor showing of The Marriage of Figaro by Mozart, and in true Belfast fashion, it rained. The weather pretty much hit miserable, but the company was good and the show was excellent. It was a live video feed from the Royal Opera House in London and I wasn't sure how I'd feel about my first opera. However, it was hilarious and any excuse for a picnic makes my day. Check out the show sometime, it was really enjoyable (and I'd imagine even more so if you're not sitting on the grass in the rain).

Bummer of the day? Missing my bus (and the last of the night) by ONE minute. So much for an inexpensive evening... AND. F's last night in town. I kind of want to cry.

The rest of the day and last night were super productive- cleaned out bedrooms, vacuumed all sorts of nooks and crannies, cleaned out under the stairs, organized the linen closet (a well organized linen closet makes me pathetically happy), mowed the front garden and... completely flipped the dining room and living room. There was absolutely no reason for the switch, except a late night brainstorm, extra energy and a compulsion for change.

1 comment:

Biblia said...

So the dining room is by the big window now the the living room is in the nook? Cool!

So saaaad that everyone is leaving. Well, Germans.