Sunday 29 July 2007

The Rough Life

I worked a full week finally...23.5 hours. I suppose it'll pick up even more this week as the afterschools summer scheme (the name for summer programs/summer camps in N.I.) starts and the photo project kicks into full swing.

It's been a good weekend, though. Friday was a "leaving do" for two German volunteers who head out in the next month (sad). Talk about a small little world of volunteers...turns out one of the volunteers had her German orientation with one of the guys I lived with in CA last year. But anyway, we ate out at The Kitchen Bar in City Center. To be fully N.I. I ordered "Paddy's Pizza" which is made on soda bread. Yum. Soda bread is, thus far, the best of N.I. eats. Then we hit up Frames, a low key place to shoot some pool or snooker. At least, that was the objective...I'm really, really bad at it.

Saturday night was a BBQ in our back garden, since it was L's last weekend in Belfast for a bit. The guys did an AMAZING job trimming trees and hedges and cutting the grass, and L cooked up a storm. (I washed some dishes...) Two other German volunteers came over and we ate, played ultimate uno, watched Ocean's 12 (thanks mom! stangely enough it plays on our DVD player), and roasted marshmallows over a fire in our fire pit. I wasn't quite expecting to come to Belfast and find myself sitting around a fire with five Germans, but basically, the whole weekend was fantastic.

1 comment:

Heather said...

GASP!!! You played ultimate UNO????
So jealous.